
My first few postings will be a brief history of my motorcycles I have owned through the years and their highlights, starting from 1966 to 2014... 48 years of riding

My blog is design for:
1.) to make a book (photo album) of my motorcycle adventures. I will have this blog printed off into a coffee table top hard covered book.
2.) for the public to view and promote motorcycle riding through-out the beautiful country sides of British Columbia, Canada.

What is my appeal for riding a motorcycle?

... the freedom it provides; not boxed into a vehicle, more aware of your surroundings.

... to experience the "smell"... of a clover-field, hay-fields, freshly cut grass, of wet pavement just after a hot day, farmers fields, and more

... the sounds of life around you.

... to ride with friends experiencing the same problems, excitement, belonging to a group

Yes, motorcycles are dangerous... just two wheels on the pavement, other vehicles do not see you and have no respect for you, always exposed to the weather and road conditions, bugs on your teeth, sore butts, sore throttle hand, sore back, but it is all worth it... we are alive and doing what we like to do... ride............

Thursday, April 10, 2014

August 20, 2013 - Trip over to Courtney to see Rebecca

Yes... I did NOT take any pictures in 2012... took the bike out only on local drives around the block. Just ran out of time.

Also, this year 2013 - my heart pass-by operation did me in for most of the year.

I did however, take a ride to see Rebecca to give her all my remaining horse stuff, as she now has a horse of her own. Plus, it is nice to pass this stuff and see her face when she is using it.

I wanted to take the motorcycle for this trip, the ride over there is a perfect motorcycle ride, lots to see, lots of curves,  just needed to figure out how to carry this stuff on the back of my motorcycle. With a bit of organizing... it all fit... Australian saddle, saddle pad, bridle, reins, breast plate, saddle bag, water bottles and carrier, whip, etc...

One last ride with my horse saddle

On ramp to ferry to Vancouver Island

Sitting on the ferry
 Carrying... Australian Outback saddle, saddle pad, lunging whip, saddle bags, bridal, reins, water holders, breast plate, etc....

Rebecca with her horse donning all the horse stuff.

Rebecca looking proud of her new stuff

Her smile says it all.

Well, this was to be the only ride that I have taking pictures of this year.

I hope that I will be doing a few more rides in 2014...