
My first few postings will be a brief history of my motorcycles I have owned through the years and their highlights, starting from 1966 to 2014... 48 years of riding

My blog is design for:
1.) to make a book (photo album) of my motorcycle adventures. I will have this blog printed off into a coffee table top hard covered book.
2.) for the public to view and promote motorcycle riding through-out the beautiful country sides of British Columbia, Canada.

What is my appeal for riding a motorcycle?

... the freedom it provides; not boxed into a vehicle, more aware of your surroundings.

... to experience the "smell"... of a clover-field, hay-fields, freshly cut grass, of wet pavement just after a hot day, farmers fields, and more

... the sounds of life around you.

... to ride with friends experiencing the same problems, excitement, belonging to a group

Yes, motorcycles are dangerous... just two wheels on the pavement, other vehicles do not see you and have no respect for you, always exposed to the weather and road conditions, bugs on your teeth, sore butts, sore throttle hand, sore back, but it is all worth it... we are alive and doing what we like to do... ride............

Sunday, June 8, 2014

June 3 - 6, 2014 - Trip to Summerland

 Well, the motorcycle is finally insured again, ready to hit the road!

Another season of riding is a head! First ride of the year...

Off to Summerland, to see my friend Brian Wootton!

Digging up my riding gear, I found that my old motorcycle helmet still smells like mold! Last year, I made the mistake of putting my helmet into my saddlebag wet! When I took it out, 8 months later, it was completely covered in white mold! I tried removing the mold with every chemical there was... but the smell still remained... time for a new helmet! I finally found a replacement... got a "Schuberth C3 Pro" (a newer version of my old one). In addition, I got a helmet speaker system (SRC system). This is integrated into the helmet, looks good. Now I got Bluetooth... connects to my iPhone, music, gps, radio stations and a communication system with other riders. Works OK, but will take some getting use to. I will only use it on long trips.

In for penny in for a pound... purchased a new rain suit (one piece BMW yellow rain suit) and the best thing... a new front tire. Now the bike rides perfectly around the corners! so happy with the tire.

Below are the pictures of my trip...

starting at Vancouver, going counter clockwise
 First stop was at my mum's place for coffee in Port Coquitlam, nice stop over... then off... going the Mission / Harrison Hots spring route...

All loaded at my Mum's place
 Planning to camp over at Manning Park (Skagit Valley - shown in blue), but I am just too old to camp in the snow! so I stayed in their hotel. Nice place with hardly anyone there!

At the look-out at Manning park

Yes, to was cold, but nice!

Just me and my ride...FJR 1300

at the look-out station, looking down at Manning Park
Since no one was at the look-out and early morning, I decided to coast down the mountain... no noise, just air rushing pass. We will surprised what you can see going down the road up there. Seen a few deer, lots of birds and squirrels. Makes you really appreciate life!

At Summerland - Brian's mountain cabin... living on the ledge
note the painting on Brian's cabin wall... not bad eh!
Brian's yearly garden
Preparing dinner!

His dog Monty
peaceful ride!

A lake along the Connector between Summerland and Merritt

After a few days at Brian's place... time for the home run.

Just passed Merritt - hot area.
note... no traffic!!!!

Going up to the Coast Mountains, heading for home
The ride back was a lot longer than I was planning to ride... left Summerland at 10:30 am... got home at 7:30 pm

I was planning to camp around Merritt, but just to hot now! So I kept riding... as I was just starting to go through the Coast Mountains, there was a major paving project going on... stopping all traffic for over a 1/2 hour. This means that I am at the front of the line... with no traffic ahead of me... brand new pavement... new super tires... hey who could stop! the best ride yet... going a MY speed with no cars to hold me up through the mountain. PERFECT!

Stopped at Pemberton for dinner, then home... completely beat!!!

So ends a great ride!!

till next time...

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