
My first few postings will be a brief history of my motorcycles I have owned through the years and their highlights, starting from 1966 to 2014... 48 years of riding

My blog is design for:
1.) to make a book (photo album) of my motorcycle adventures. I will have this blog printed off into a coffee table top hard covered book.
2.) for the public to view and promote motorcycle riding through-out the beautiful country sides of British Columbia, Canada.

What is my appeal for riding a motorcycle?

... the freedom it provides; not boxed into a vehicle, more aware of your surroundings.

... to experience the "smell"... of a clover-field, hay-fields, freshly cut grass, of wet pavement just after a hot day, farmers fields, and more

... the sounds of life around you.

... to ride with friends experiencing the same problems, excitement, belonging to a group

Yes, motorcycles are dangerous... just two wheels on the pavement, other vehicles do not see you and have no respect for you, always exposed to the weather and road conditions, bugs on your teeth, sore butts, sore throttle hand, sore back, but it is all worth it... we are alive and doing what we like to do... ride............

Monday, March 3, 2014

Motorcycle # 4 - Yamaha 750 - touring model

now moving up into the touring style of motorcycle. We decided on a Yamaha 750, a great touring bic, but if memory serves me, this motorcycle was cursed with electrical problems.

With this motorcycle we joined an un-organized touring club... "XANBC" with Dale Crump as the organizer...

Ours rides on this Yamaha, took us down to California, Oregon Coast, though-out British Columbia including Vancouver Island.
We participated in many organized motorcycle rallies, fun rides, etc.
At first, I was the only club member with a fairing, a few years later, I think almost everyone else were using fairings.

I really felt like a group... riding together, all together as a group experiencing the joys of riding in the rain, hot hot sun, cold winds, road dust, smells, etc.

This was the brochure that came with my motorcycle.

We placed a lot of miles on her... when my daughter Sarah arrived, things changed... the club would ask us to come out for a ride, but we now had a baby, so we could not get away that easy. After awhile, we drifted away from the club, as our priorities changed. Eventually, we sold the motorcycle and used the funds to build our driveway for our new home we were building in Mission.

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